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Practice Begins January 12

Please note our regular practice facility is temporarily unavailable so we will practice for now at an alternate location at 6268 Bury Dr, Eden Prairie, MN 55346. This is near Hwy 62 and  Baker Dr. 

Tony Gansen will be our head coach again this year.

Tonka Tusslers - The Tusslers program introduces kids to the sport by utilizing drills, gymnastics and techniques that teach them the fundamentals of wrestling. 

  • Ages - PreK - 1st Grade (firm)
  • Times - Tuesday & Thursday 6-7:15pm
  • Dates -  January 12 through March 4
  • Cost $120
  • Tusslers have the option, with coaches’ approval, to move up to the Youth program at the end or during the Tussler season.  

Tonka Youth Wrestling - The Youth program takes the base wrestling of knowledge to the next level. We practice 2 times a week and will teach technique, drills, conditioning and live wrestling. 

  • Ages - 2nd to 8th Grade 
  • Times - Tuesday & Thursday 6-7:15 pm
  • Dates -  January 12 through March 4
  • Cost $180

For more information contact James Heer at or call 612.819.6471 

NoNonsense Wrestling (NNW) Preseason Program

The NoNonsense Wrestling (NNW) preseason program offers wrestlers a chance to practice before the season. NoNonsense offers programs for K-6th and 7th-12th grade.  Practices are run out of 'The Shed' in St. Boni and 'The Shop' in Minnetonka.  

Building from a foundation of basic skills taught at the club gives us the opportunity coach at a faster pace and higher level. This is why we encourage all wrestlers to join NNW as an add on to their club wrestling experience. Learn more about NNW>>

The New Tonka Training Center with 3 Full Mats!